Metadata Store: Generalized Entity Database for Intelligence Services and Machine Learning

講者: Jeff Hung @ Trend Micro
時段: 14:10~14:50
地點: 綜合科管 B1 第三演講廳
講題: Metadata Store: Generalized Entity Database for Intelligence Services and Machine Learning


Unlike business intelligence (BI), threat intelligence (TI) processing need more focus on agility, flexibility, scalability, and sharability. Especially when you have 1 petabyte of data, you never want your investment do and only can do only one thing.

In this talk, we will share the real case on building the generic entity database that supports real-time intelligence query for any kind of data producers and consumers. And how to construct machine learning pipeline to adapt the ever-changing reality on top of the entity database.


Jeff works on big-data and cloud since 2009. He now leads the SPN Infrastructure team in Trend Micro to optimize the processing of petabytes of data on Hadoop and AWS.